I fulfill many of the stereotypes that one might suppose I would. I like a lot of the things on Stuff White People Like . I am a liberal who likes NPR and the New York Times. I'm a woman who likes to waste money on nail polish. I don't hold this against myself. But every once in awhile, someone fulfills that kneejerk image you've built of them SO WELL, that it must be shared, and expressed with glee to the masses. My dear friends, this is one of those times. Today on my way back to work from lunch, I pull up at a long stoplight next to a truck. A big, dirty truck. It has wheels the size of my cubicle, and a choice bumper sticker. Fortunately, it was a long enough red light that I had time to get a picture. oh, and a close up of the bumper sticker. Now, we all know what guy we think drives this truck. In our fantasy it's a guy with spiked hair and an Ed Hardy t-shirt and gold rings on at least 3 fingers...