WORK. I'm scrambling to get this post in during my lunch break because it has been so long. My posts have had to become less regular as I now am in a position which requires me to do real and rewarding work from 8-5. This requirement is nothing short of absolutely wonderful. For the first time since my long ago posts at the Committee on Foreign Affairs, I feel like I am doing something special, challenging, and rewarding. I have great expectations and responsibilities on me, but I also have coworkers and superiors who are thoughtfully guiding me towards not only being an effective employee for today, but for forever. They’ve invested in my knowledge, education, and satisfaction. They’ve provided me a bigger picture of WHY I do the things I do, and not just how. Really, I feel like by total accident I fell into a field that I am not just making a living in, but really that I’m thriving in, and putting all my skills and abilities to use. I AM USEFUL!!!! Beautiful words to my soul. I...